Gosberton Parish Council consists of two Wards, the Village Ward covering Gosberton Village and the Risegate Ward which covers Gosberton Risegate and Gosberton Clough.
The Council is made up of 7 Councillors for the Village Ward, 4 Councillors for the Risegate and Clough Ward and a Parish Council Clerk.
The Council is responsible for the play area in Gosberton and the one in Gosberton Risegate, The Cemetery and several other areas and also has approximately 70 acres of allotments which are tenanted with scope for possible garden allotments if the demand is there. It employs a cemetery Keeper and carries out litter picking through the main areas of the village and the play area in the Risegate.
The Council meets approximately every 6 weeks in the committee room at Gosberton Public Hall at 7.30pm. At the start there is a 10 minute slot for members of the public to speak on any subject they wish to bring to the notice of the Council. Councillors may ask them questions on the subject and either discuss the matter there and then or place it on the agenda for a forthcoming meeting.
Members of the public can stay for the meeting but are unable to speak on matters on the agenda unless asked to do so by the Chairman. There may be a situation where the public are required to leave the room if the matter to be discussed warrants this. Planning applications are discussed at the meetings and any comments received from residents are taken into consideration when the Council sends its opinions to SHDC.
A brief report of meetings is posted on websites and any of the Councils reports and minutes may be obtained by the public but there is a small charge for printing, postage etc. Details can be obtained from the Parish Clerk. Agendas of forthcoming meetings are placed on the Parish notice board outside the Co-op and the one at the footbridge near the Black Horse in the Risegate.
Any problems experienced by parishioners may be reported to any Councillors who will endeavour to resolve the problem or bring the matter to the Councils notice at the next meeting. A list of Councillors and their contact numbers can be found on the websites or on the notice boards.
Click on this link to see the agendas and minutes: http://parishes.lincolnshire.gov.uk/Gosberton